Friday, April 18, 2014

Cheek Biting and TMJ

Cheek biting? Yes, there are many people who habitually bite the insides of their cheek. For some, this sounds strange. For others, they are nodding along wondering how they can stop this habit. Much like biting your nails, cheek biting can be a frequent habit.

People who bite their cheeks tend to bite the inside of their cheek, lip, and tongue. There are multiple reasons why people bite their cheeks, such as nervous habit, some need to constantly chew, and some people cheek bite due to TMJ.

How are cheek biting and TMJ related? Great question!

Many people are cheek biters because of malocclusion or misalignment of teeth. This can be caused by Temporomandibular Joint Disorder (TMJ/TMD). These people tend to bite their cheeks occasionally due to their bite being slightly off. When someone has malocclusion their bite does not come together properly. Sometimes, they compensate by moving their mouth to the right or left. Typically, this movement is not recognizable to the untrained eye. However, their bite feels better when they can rest their teeth on something which is why they bite their cheeks and lips.

Although cheek biting can simply be a nervous habit it can also be a result or symptom of TMJ. Many people who bite their cheeks are self conscious of this habit because they contort their face to bite their cheeks. If you are a habitual cheek biter we suggest seeing a TMJ specialist to ensure that your cheek biting is not related to TMJ.

Dr. Farnad, the TMJ Doctor of Los Angeles and Beverly Hills, will give you a comprehensive evaluation of your oral health and TMJ. He will examine your cheek biting, to ensure lesions have not developed. Occasionally, lesions can lead to oral cancer due to bacteria entering lesion sites.

If you bite your cheeks out of nervousness try chewing gum, wearing lip gloss or lip balm, and try to recognize when you most frequently bite your cheeks.

The TMJ Doctor, located in Beverly Hills, is a center for TMJ therapy and treatment. If you have questions about our office and Dr. Farnad, the TMJ Doctor, give us a call at (310)276-5300. We look forward to hearing from you! 

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

TMJ and Ear Pain

Some people are prone to chronic ear infection and others experience ear pain for an entirely different reason, Temporomandibular Disorder or Disfunction (TMJ or TMD). For many people, persistent ear pain can be attributed to a jaw disorder. Although this may sound counterintuitive, it is actually quite common for many people. If you are suffering from chronic ear pain, it is very important that you see a specialist to properly diagnose the cause of your ear pain. An oral surgeon, dentist, or ENT can determine if you have a bacterial infection or TMJ.

TMJ is most associated with jaw pain. Many people experience limited jaw mobility, clicking and popping sounds, or excruciating pain when speaking or moving the jaw. However, there are many people with TMJ/TMD that experience their symptoms in other ways, such as severe headaches, chronic neck pain, and ear aches.

Dr. Fariborz Farnad is a TMJ specialist with over 20 years of experience diagnosing and treating TMJ. After a thorough examination and in depth review of your health history, Dr. Farnad will give you a personalized treatment plan. Just like everyone has a unique health history and story, their TMJ experience and symptoms are different and individual.

Patients suffering with ear pain should see a specialist to determine what is causing this chronic pain. If your family doctor or internist has ruled out bacterial infection and you are still experiencing ear pain or chronic ear aches, call The TMJ Doctor to schedule a consultation. There are numerous conservative treatments that can help you live a pain free life, putting an end to the progression of TMJ.

For more information about The TMJ Doctor, visit our website at Our highly trained staff is available to answer your questions and schedule your consultation, call us at (310)276-5300.