Monday, September 30, 2013

Dr. Oz Talks About TMJ

Today we found a great article on Dr. Oz's website about grinding and of course we love sharing these articles with you! 

Some key points mentioned in the article are:

1. If you experience tightening or pain in the jaw, headaches, your teeth feel worn down, your fillings are breaking or broken, your gums are injured, or you make grinding sounds while sleeping, you should see a dentist immediately.

2. Custom nightguards made by your dentist can relieve some pain and can prevent further grinding or bruxism. However, as mentioned in our previous posts, nightguards or splints are not for everyone. An oral surgeon will be able to give you a better grasp on your individual needs.

3. Botox injections can relieve over-active muscles or spasms occurring in the jaw, head, and neck. 

4. Relaxation is very important, massage therapy and physical therapy can alleviate jaw pain. \

5. Increase your intake of Vitamin B and Vitamin C to stop depression and anxiety. This will help calm you down and hopefully decrease your grinding/bruxism. 

6. Get active! Release your tension through excercise.

Most importantly, if you are in pain call us for a consultation so we can provide you with the treatment plan that is created just for you, because your TMJ symptoms are unique just like you! 

Dr. Farnad
Los Angeles TMJ Specialist

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Splint Therapy for TMJ

Is Splint Therapy Your Friend or Your Foe?

Did you know that splint therapy is the most popular and most misused treatment of TMJ? For some a splint is their friend, however, for many people a splint does not relieve pain or TMJ symptoms.

TMJ Disorders are usually accompanied with other problems such as muscle contractions, headaches, and jaw pain. Splints themselves cannot relieve this type of pain and physical therapy is often a helpful treatment.

So why do we use splint therapy? It stabilizes the relationship between the jaw and the joint, or in medical terminology the condyle-fossa and the joint.

Some things you may want to ask your dentist, is what type of splint he/she uses? Hard splints are preferable because they do not move the teeth. Upper splints are also preferred because they provide full arch support and anterior guidance. They are effective in relieving muscle soreness because of the change in teeth contact proprioception. Unfortunately, 15% of patients will resume para-functioning, meaning they will return to old habits of grinding.

Rotational appliances can also be used and can be an effective treatment for Bruxism, grinding, and clenching. These appliances can alter muscular proprioception. These splints are used on the upper teeth, are made of hard acrylic, and should be in conjunction with physical therapy.

Rotational splints are broken up into two categories: Type A and Type B. That doesn't mean different personality types receive different guards. However, they do address different jaw behavioral tendencies. Type A splints are night guards, they are Bruxism(grinding) appliances, and are best for occlusal interference cases. Type B are rotational, are thicker, better for deep bites and assist in restoring proper vertical dimension. These should be worn day, night, and during meals. Type B appliances are used long term over a course of 6-9 months.

There are also Type C splints which are used as a re-positioning appliance. This appliance decreases adverse loading forces in osteoarthritis or other arthritic disorders with decreased joint space. Much like Type B, these are worn during meals and worn day and night. However, this splint is only worn as long as needed and then you have to switch back to an A or B splint.

The TMJ A,B,C's are not for every patient because as previously mentioned, 15% go back to grinding and clenching and they can still experience their painful TMJ symptoms. More importantly, splints only address some TMJ symptoms and causes. This means numerous patients are given treatment that will not address their individual TMJ. For example, if the disc is not properly aligned or their is too much scar tissue and debris around the joint a splint is not going to alleviate the painful TMJ symptoms the individual is experiencing. Instead, there are other treatments that will be of greater assistance and value, such as arthrocentesis and arthroscopy.

For more information about what TMJ treatment is right for you, call our office for a consultation 
(310)276-5300 or toll free (866)DOC-4TMJ. 

Dr. Fariborz Farnad, DMD
421 N. Rodeo Dr. Ste T8
Beverly Hills, CA 90210

Monday, September 9, 2013

Is Your Clicking or Popping Jaw Common?

Do you experience a popping, grating, or clicking sound? The good news is you're not alone! Many people have minor jaw joint problems. Not everyone who experiences occasional clicking or popping sounds has TMJ.

The proper word for a popping, clicking, or grating sound around the jaw joint is Crepitus. A study released by Dr. Woelfel, discussed in Woelfel's Dental Anatomy, conducted from 1970 to 1986, studying over 1000 jaws of dental and hygiene students to determine how common jaw popping/crepitus was. Dr. Woelfel examined each student. He discovered that over 60% of students had no popping or clicking when they opened their mouth fully and under 40% of students had clicking or popping when they opened their mouth. By the sounds of this study, clicking and popping is pretty common!

What do these sounds mean? It means if the clicking and popping is really disruptive, constant, or painful then you should see a professional for proper TMJ diagnosis and treatment. There are numerous forms of conservative treatments that you can do at home. To learn more about what you can do at home, see our last post: or visit our website:!life-with-tmj/cwcs.

To schedule a consultation call us at (310)276-5300 or toll free (855)276-5300
421 N. Rodeo Dr. Ste T8
Beverly Hills, CA 90210