Many of our patients either one of both of the following questions:
1. Have my braces or orthodontic treatments created my TMJ/TMD problem?
2. Will braces or orthodontics correct my TMJ/TMD problem?
Unfortunately, for many people braces and orthodontics can cause TMJ/ TMD or general jaw pain. Altering the position of the teeth can directly affect the way that you bite down and utilize the muscles in your jaw.
If you need braces or orthodontic treatment for aesthetic purposes or otherwise, do not be afraid that you will start having TMJ symptoms. It's important that you find an orthodontist that understands TMJ and its relationship to the teeth. If you need assistance selecting a specialist, our office is happy to help you. Dr. Farnad works with multiple orthodontists to ensure that our patients are properly taken care of. The TMJ Doctor understands that each specialist you see for your dental needs must be on the same page regarding your treatment.
As we have mentioned before, splints, orthotics (oral), bite plates, mouth guards, are not always the solution for TMJ, it is vital if you are experiencing TMJ pain in relation to your orthodontic treatment that you alert your orthodontist and seek treatment for your TMJ. Unfortunately, these things happen all the time and the best thing you can do is relax (we don't want the stress to make your TMJ worse) and find a specialist to find a solution for your TMJ pain.
Dr. Farnad has been a TMJ/TMD specialist for over 20 years. He is internationally recognized for his comprehensive treatment and care. To schedule a consultation with Dr. Farnad, The TMJ Doctor, please give us a call at (310)276-5300.