Monday, October 28, 2013

Are Your Headaches Caused by TMJ Disorder?

Millions of Americans suffer from headaches. Each year, more people are misdiagnosed and the source of their headaches remains undetected. Frequently, a jaw joint disorder or jaw alignment is the culprit of constant neck pain and chronic headaches. If you are experiencing headaches more than once a month you may be experiencing TMJ symptoms.

People who suffer from chronic headaches and migraines are often surprised to find relief in TMJ treatments. TMJ remedies work for these patients because numerous migraine symptoms are the same as TMJ symptoms. Some identical symptoms include: resistance to over-the-counter medications, neck pain, sensitivity to light, dizziness, tension in the head, jaw, shoulders, and neck.

So how do you know if you have TMJ?

Statistically, most TMJ sufferers are female and their TMJ symptoms are frequently misdiagnosed as migraines. Their painful symptoms are sometimes masked but the source of the pain is not treated because it is not diagnosed properly. The pain TMJ sufferers experience often begins in the jaw joint, neck, ear, temple area, and shoulders. Over time, the actual jaw joint can collect debris and damage may occur. Other symptoms, such as muscle stiffness can limit a person's range of motion in the jaw. When this occurs, people often describe their TMJ as "locked jaw". This can be accompanied by a clicking or popping sound or even lead to hearing problems.

Migraines and headaches related to TMJ are typically moderate to severe in pain and people experience severe pain around the entire head, neck, or behind the eyes, around the jaw joint and ears. If you occasionally experience one of these symptoms you do not need to panic. However, if you frequently feel these symptoms, once or more times a month then you should seek proper medical attention to address your potential TMJ.

When you see Dr. Farnad for your TMJ consultation, he will review your migraine and headache history, in addition to a full medical evaluation. At this time, he will also create a treatment plan specifically designed to treat the actual problem, not just mask the symptoms. There are numerous affective TMJ treatments that will greatly reduce your migraine and headache pain.

To schedule your consultation with Dr. Farnad, call (310)276-5300.
Have questions? The TMJ Doctor is happy to answer them, just email

421 N. Rodeo Dr. #T8
Beverly Hills, CA 90210

TMJ Specialist for Beverly Hills, Los Angeles, and surrounding areas

Thursday, October 17, 2013

Who Should I See for TMJ?

We are often asked, "who should I see to treat my TMJ" or "why should I see an Oral Surgeon for TMJ?"

We are here to tell you why seeing an Oral Surgeon/DMD is so important. As soon as you feel TMJ/TMD symptoms, an oral and maxillofacial surgeon should be consulted immediately. An oral surgeon specializes specifically in the jaw, teeth, and mouth. Although your general dentist may be able to diagnosis TMJ/TMD disorders, they do not typically have the ability to provide a comprehensive treatment plan like an oral surgeon.

TMJ symptoms are unique to each individual and every patient needs a treatment plan created specifically for their symptoms and TMJ disorder. An oral surgeon can offer conservative dental treatments, such as a splint or Botox, to medically necessary surgery. Oftentimes, an oral surgeon can provide you with  prescription anti-inflammatory drugs to alleviate pain. They can provide non-invassive surgical procedures like arthrocentesis and arthroscopic surgery, which washes the joint and removes debris to stop painful TMJ symptoms.

In our office, Dr. Farnad reviews your entire medical history and does a comprehensive evaluation of your jaw and joints. Using state-of-the-art technology in the office, Dr. Farnad takes a CT image and explains in detail where the pain is coming from and will create a treatment plan specifically for you. Just like there is no one else in the world like you, there is no one else with identical TMJ symptoms. Seeing an oral surgeon who understands your condition is vital in proper treatment.

To schedule your consultation with Dr. Farnad, call (310)276-5300.
Have questions? The TMJ Doctor is happy to answer them, just email

421 N. Rodeo Dr. #T8
Beverly Hills, CA 90210

TMJ Specialist for Beverly Hills, Los Angeles, and surrounding areas